For Practitioners

Mission Driven Holistic Care
Whether you practice Western medicine, Eastern Medicine, follow a holistic approach, or a hybrid of all these, I welcome the chance to help you and your patients/clients change the narrative and experience of menopause.
As I’m sure you know, mindset is a huge part of any healing process. With all the influence of the media, big pharma, and even women of past generations, it is easy to understand why clients often feel their lives are falling apart during menopause. My first step in working with new clients is to truly listen and acknowledge their experience. From there, we begin to work on changing the perception of menopause and what it means to age. For women to have a positive menopause experience, they must view this time in their lives as a time of growth and change. At the same time, I work with them on natural alternatives to HRT and symptom support for those on HRT through custom herbal and aromatherapy formulation. I also offer holistic guidance on lifestyle changes and mindfulness practices that can have a huge impact on their menopausal journey.
In addition, I offer services to medical teams of all sizes. As a holistic practitioner, I can help you or your team learn how to approach women through all phases of menopause with compassion and empowerment. I can also help guide you in laying out a framework for your patients/clients on how to lean into a holistic lifestyle that will help them manage many of the things they are challenged with.
To learn more about me, please take a look at my bio here. I am always happy to set up a call or meet in person for those in the Bay Area.