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We would like to acknowledge and thank all the wise women who have inspired our path. They are women of indigenous cultures, authors, medicine women, herbalists, aromatherapists, sound healers and beyond. We are so grateful for their inspiration, and in gratitude, are here to share that wisdom with you.

The transformation that occurs during menopause is your birthright. Don't give this gift away. All you have to do is lean in to change, be willing to go on the journey, be patient, and listen to your soul.
The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Shamanic Journey

A Shamanic Path

It is believed in certain spiritual traditions that there are three phases of a woman’s life: the young naïve woman, the nurturing mother, and the wise woman (we call her the Sage) of midlife and beyond. Menopause is the path of transition from the nurturing mother to a woman of wisdom and self-possession.

Take a deep breath and put one hand on your heart and one hand on your abdomen. Show yourself self-love and compassion, and know that if you are anywhere on your path of hormonal change, you are perhaps on the most important spiritual journey of your life.

The environment created during menopause is akin to a shamanic journey. Like many traditional shamanic practices, such as sweat lodges, ayahuasca ceremony, or medicine walks, this path is challenging both physically, mentally, and spiritually. This is not the time to continue with old patterns that no longer serve your greatest good. If you rise to the challenge and embrace this path, you will pass through gates of a new spiritual level that you never thought possible.

A New Narrative

We have been told by society that the path of menopause is something to be feared. What if this phase of life was happening for your greatest good? Step into your power and don’t allow yourself to be a victim. Your body loves you and wants the best for you. You aren’t your own enemy. Rather than perpetuate the victim model, lean into this time and its challenges. Be curious of the new woman who will emerge.

On this path, there are swinging emotions, physical discomfort, heat in the form of hot flashes and night sweats. Rather than look at the challenges from a victim standpoint, change the narrative and know that if you get through this somewhat challenging time, you can handle any difficulties that lie ahead with a sense of ease that only comes from experience of seeing your shadows and working through them. Know that if you embrace this time and do the work, a new woman whose energy and presence speak for themselves will emerge.

The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, A New Narrative
The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes

Rather than panic when a hot flash arises, see this as waves of energy. This is the energy of enlightenment and awakening moving through you. The heat is the burning of habits, emotions, and trauma that no longer serve your greatest good. Lean into these moments of warmth and know that they are necessary for your growth into the next phase of your life.

Alone Time

You may feel the desire to withdraw from the world. This is easier for some than others. Carve out time away daily. It is believed in certain spiritual circles that taking a lot of time within the first six months of passing through the menopausal gate is essential to connect with our new selves.

The desire to be alone comes from the fact that you are trying to move through your old self and create a new self. This is an important transformation, and taking time to contemplate is essential. Take as much alone time as possible. Be honest with partners, children, and friends. If your desires aren’t respected, this is something that needs to be addressed.

Make time to meditate, immerse yourself in nature, and spend time in places that soothe your soul.

The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Alone Time
The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Sensitivity


Feeling anxious about certain things that once seemed fine is normal. Examine why this aspect of your life is causing you distress. During menopause, it becomes difficult tolerate people or scenarios that are not in our best interest. See this impatience and agitation as your built-in radar for what needs to be evaluated and perhaps adjusted in your life.


One of the most challenging parts of menopause is the thought of losing our physical beauty. Explore what beauty means to you. We are the cycle breakers who will create a new standard. There is nothing more beautiful and magnetic than a woman who exudes self-possessed, calm energy. Focus on this. Don’t cling to the woman you were at 35, but rather create a new woman that suits who you are and represents all aspects of you at this time.

The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Beauty
The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Fertility


Many women struggle with the loss of fertility. Though we are no longer able to bear children, we can create life in other beautiful ways.
When we are in the second phase of our lives, the mother phase, our blood and energy flow outward. We create babies, we create for others, we create for the world. When we begin to move on to the third phase of our womanhood, we no longer flow outward, our energy begins to flow inside. This is for us, as we now can truly create for ourselves. This time can be the beginning of a creative period, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Your womb is your center of creation, and you will always have this creative energy accessible to you. Now is the time to create something magical. Be curious and open about where this can lead.


In many Native American traditions, a medicine woman would be initiated after crossing through the menopausal gate. It is believed that during menopause, the wall between the seen and unseen world becomes thinner. You may find that during this time your intuition becomes more acute, your dreams may become strong indicators of things to come. This is all a gift of the Sage you are on your way to becoming. Pay attention and lean into it. Explore this new way of being with curiosity and gratitude.

The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Knowing
The Way Apothecary, Natural Perimenopause, Natural Menopause, Spirituality of Menopause, Community


Find other women who share these views and support each other. Bring humor to difficult days by sharing your experiences. Find older women who inspire you. Ask them questions.
If you need extra support, find a therapist who supports this spiritual outlook and can help you move through this time with awareness.