If you have asked yourself "Is this menopause?", the answer is more thank likely, yes.

We spend roughly 30 years moving through our menstrual cycles. When menopause begins, it is only natural that the body will need time, patience, and acceptance to recalibrate itself. Don’t hate or be angry at the process. Your body needs your love and positivity now more than ever.

A Brief Overview

All women are born with a finite number of egg cells, which develop into follicles. Through a complex process involving various factors and hormones, these follicles produce structures in the ovaries. Here they are either fertilized which results in pregnancy, or discarded, which would result in a monthly period. As time passes, and there are no more follicles to develop, our bodies undergo dramatic shifts in hormone patterns. Eventually, our menstrual cycles cease, and reproduction is no longer possible. This is menopause.

When you have not had your period for one year straight, you have officially entered menopause. The journey prior to this is perimenopause, and anything after is post-menopause. For some women, this transition is fast, for some it may take years. 


There are many hormones at play during menopause, but let's focus on a major player - estrogen. There are three major forms of estrogen. Most women know that estrogen is a hormone that regulates fertility. In addition, estrogen affects the skin, the heart, the breasts, the hair, the brain, the pelvic muscles, digestion, and sleep. … the list goes on. As you can imagine, when estrogen begins to decline as we begin perimenopause, our bodies are thrown into chaos. We want to assure you that what you are experiencing is normal. It requires extra self-care and attention. Try to remember to trust and respect your body’s process.

When & How Long

The path of perimenopause can last anywhere from 3-10 years. For some women, manifestations (we avoid the word "symptoms" because menopause is not a disease), begin in their late 30’s, for others, it’s early to mid 40's. The best way to find out the length of time you will be in menopause and to get an idea of when you will actually pass through the menopausal gate (one year without your period), is to ask your mother about her menopausal history.

Once having passed through menopause, many manifestations calm down or go away entirely, but some continue. With a healthy lifestyle and support from aromatherapy and herbalism, it can taper off as your body finds its new balance. At this time of our lives, we must take extra time to care for ourselves, listen to our bodies, eat well, exercise, etc.

The Next Steps

We believe that most of the work that needs to be done during menopause can be done naturally on our own time. This involves lifestyle adjustments, herbal supplementation, aromatherapy, spiritual and emotional support. Do you need to get tested for menopause? That's up to you. We suggest first listening to your body and your instinct. Spend time communicating with it. Pay attention to it. Don’t fight it, but rather ask it what it needs from you. Talk to other women your age and older for validation. We are one of the only societies that have pathologized menopause. In other countries, such as Japan, France, or India, menopause is just another phase of life. If you need extra support, enlist a holistic or integrative practitioner. Remember that menopause is not an illness. Big Pharma would like you to think it is. Remember that women have gone through this since the beginning of time, just as with puberty or pregnancy. Consider how society's perception of aging affects your menopausal path. Create a new way. Lean into this time of life. As wild as it is, it is also magical.

On that note, we would like to end with something special. In many Native American cultures, it is believed that women are sacred during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Remind yourself of this when things seem difficult. Try to tune into this and explore it. Healing and beauty are happening for you if you are on this path. Dive in and claim your power.