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Grief During Perimenopause

Grief During Perimenopause

Grief is a word that our society seems to save for extreme circumstances mainly related to death. As we go through perimenopause, grief is an emotion that comes to the surface and needs to be processed. Remember that no grief is too big or too small.

Things we might grieve could be loss of youth, love, a decision we made or did not make in the past, grieving our bodies changes, we could grieve how we were treated at a certain time in our lives, we can grieve for women as a whole, we can hold grief for our mothers and ancestors… This list is endless because it is extremely personal. If you feel pain about something in the past, grieve it. Remember that “To feel is to heal.” We can process grief by acknowledging it, spending time with it, listening to it, and holding space for it.

When we push grief aside by burying it with other emotions or distractions, it waits. Perimenopause is about our transformation. Grief comes up at this time because it is ready to be dealt with and felt. It wants to be sorted out so that you can move into the next phase of your life as a wise sage.

A Meditation for Grief

Cypress essential oil is excellent for working through grief. Alternatively, you could use bergamot or rose.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Dim the lights and put on some soft music if desired. Allow yourself to conjure up something you are grieving. Don’t try to change anything - just feel it. Where is it in your body? What does it look like? You may even want to give it a name. Honor it by asking it what it needs from you. Just allow it to be. This may take some time. You may find comfort by placing your hands on the area where your grief is centralized. As time goes on, you may find it begins to move - this is a good thing, as it is becoming unstuck. There is nothing to do, nothing to be, just allow.
Take your time with this and do it as often as necessary. After doing this meditation, have some tea (chamomile, rose, and lemon balm and wonderful for assisting with grief), go on a walk in nature, and do some journaling. Take good care of yourself.

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