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A Guide to the Women's Circle Oils.

Never forget that our bodies are designed to go through menopause. Women have the most complex, amazing, bodies on the planet. We can produce life, we can hold life - our bodies are homes.

 For this guide, we will use the term "manifestations" in place of "symptoms". Use of the word "symptoms" further pathologizes a woman's body's natural process and disempowers us by making us fearful of our own bodies.

Manifestations are a chance to lean into your health like never before, and to get to know your body intimately. The reason why we often have such a negative view of menopausal manifestations is that it has been drummed into us over and over by the pharmaceutical industry, the media, the patriarchy… the list goes on.

We encourage you not to look at manifestations as negative, but to acknowledge them as messengers of your body, mind and soul as to the incredibly powerful changes that are occurring in your life. 

Through lifestyle and intentional self care, there is so much you can do to make this transition easier and even pleasantly enlightening. This is a chance to get to know your body and its subtleties. Take your power back. Lean in and learn to listen. Try to hear what your body needs from you. Ask it how you can better support it.
The Women's Circle I

Pre-Early Perimenopause

Manifestation you may be experiencing:

  • Missed, late or inconsistent periods
  • If you regularly menstruate, you may find your cycle begins to shorten.
  • Changes in skin and hair (usually both begin to become drier)
  • Mood fluctuations, especially during PMS
  • Drastic skin changes before your period, which will disappear shortly after it’s begun
  • Rosacea (facial redness)
  • Jawline acne

For this phase of menopause, use the Women's Circle I.

The Women's Circle II

True Perimenopause

Manifestations you may be experiencing:

  • Mood fluctuations
  • Increased anxiety
  • Heart palpitations
  • You may feel drawn to spend I more time alone
  • Feeling as if you are losing your mind (you're not)
  • Rashes before your period
  • Rosacea (facial redness)
  • Jawline acne
  • Changes in circulation
  • Changes in digestion
  • Body or facial hair growth
  • Sleep disruption
  • Throat dryness/coughing at night
  • Hot flashes &/or night sweats
  • Occasional vaginal dryness
  • Occasional forgetfulness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Hormonal headaches
  • Backaches before menstruation
  • Changes in libido
  • Sluggish digestion

For this phase of menopause, use the Women's Circle II.

The Women's Circle III

Late Perimenopause, Menopause, & Postmenopause

During this time, many manifestations experienced during perimenopause (above) gradually subside. That said, it is not uncommon for some to persist for a few years.

Manifestations you may be experiencing:

  • If you’ve gone at least 8 consecutive months without a period, you are in late perimenopause.
  • If you have gone one full year, you have officially reached menopause.
  • Skin has become much drier and fragile, and needs extra care.
  • Skin, including wounds, heals slower.
  • Body or facial hair growth
  • Sleep disruption
  • Throat dryness/coughing at night
  • Frequent vaginal dryness
  • Decrease in libido
  • Sluggish digestion

For this phase of menopause, use the Women's Circle III.

Guiding Your body to Balance

The Women's Circle oils support your body in finding equilibrium through the power of plants. Our bodies are always trying to achieve homeostatic balance. Our hormones are no exception. Show yourself love and trust the process.